Arsenal's Running Man Catches The Wenger Bus

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 18 Juli 2013 | 20.27

An Arsenal "superfan" has run for miles alongside the club's bus in Vietnam in an attempt to meet his heroes.

Running Man Vu has been dubbed "Running Man". Pic: Arsenal

Vu Xuan Tien, dubbed "The Running Man", saw the team bus as it travelled through the capital Hanoi as part of its tour of Southeast Asia.

The Gunners posted a video - filmed by striker Olivier Giroud - of Vu's tireless chase, which ended with the 20-year-old being invited on board and posing for photos with the team.

The players chant "sign him up, sign him up", as Vu, wearing the team's shirt, dodges traffic to keep up with the bus for about five miles.

At one stage, Vu climbs on the back of a motorbike to keep up with the Gunners.

"We were all cheering him on," said Arsenal goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny, who narrates the video.

Once on the bus, Vu took off his Arsenal shirt so the players could all sign it.

"He had an unbelievable six-pack and we were sort of jealous," said Szczesny.

Running Man Vu meets striker Giroud, who filmed the chase. Pic: Arsenal

Long-serving coach Arsene Wenger was impressed by the Running Man, who has become an overnight sensation in Vietnam.

"I have felt very happy these last few days in Vietnam and will leave with many fond memories, especially of Running Man," Wenger said.

Arsenal described Vu as a "superfan" on Facebook, saying: "The Asia Tour has been full of amazing characters so far - but none more so than the 'Running Man' who quite literally went the extra mile to meet his heroes."

During their three-day stay in the communist country, Arsenal beat the national team 7-1 at My Dinh Stadium in Hanoi.

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